The community at Lar Santa Margarida, Divar comprised of 3 sisters. Sr. Maggie Fernandes, Sr. Priyanka Patil and Sr. Roselin Furtado. It is a Home for the aged. The Sisters are engaged in taking care of the elderly and the pastoral work. Teaching Catechism, Communion distribution for the sick in the families as well as in the Church. One sister is a member of editorial board of the Parish Bulletin. Visiting the families. Attending S.C.C. meetings and P.P.C meetings, etc.
It was the Year 1985, a 'Home for the Aged' looked after by Poor Sisters of Lady in Ucassaim was Two years old, when on one fine morning in the mont June Mr.Custodio Manuel Gomes Pereira along with his Wife Mrs. Lilia Gon. Pereira visited it, to gather the first hand information about its functioning and to request them to open a similar home in their residential house in Divar. After a Casual talk the sisters accepted the invitation and in the month of October Srs. visited the House and instantly accepted the offer mainly for the two reasons: First because of the serene tranquility of this beautiful House and the Island and second because the part of the Island in which they were to open a Home was under the patronage of Our Lady of Sorrows who also is the Patroness of the congregation of PSOL. Once this was done THE GOMES PEREIRA Family finished all the formalities with the Mother General of the Congregation and the Archbishop of Goa.
In June 1986, Sisters took over the Home for the Aged in Divar and "LAR SANTA MARGARIDA" was born with two inmates, we have altogether taken care of so many inmates from different places from Goa and other parts of India provided care to poor and the downtrodden, with equal love and affection, respect and dignity, as Children of the same God, Our Father. Today we have 23 inmates, thanks to the dedicated work of Our Sisters. Because of their hard work we can feel like the proverbial mustard seed that Our Home has grown to be a mighty tree by the riverside.
LAR SANTA MARGARIDA, a home for the aged has become known not only in Goa but even outside, because of their huge efforts which the Sisters put focusing on their physical as well as moral wellbeing of the residents who are with us. This we do by looking after their hygiene and by keeping their spirits high. We make them feel at home by celebrating their birthdays, have Christmas programs and other feasts etc, which is troublesome and requires a lot of hard work.
For the smooth functioning of over the period of time LAR SANTA MARGARIDA has served with "OPEN ARMS" the elders and the needy people from all walks of life and from all places, with love and devotion. For some who lost their lives in their home for the Aged and did not have anybody, they were given a decent burial and as such LAR SANTA MARGARIDA proved to be a home outside their homes. As we stand at this moment in History, we thank the good Lord for all the Blessing showered on us during these years and look forward with trust and hope in Him alone.
We remember all our Sisters, Superiors, past and present, who have labored hard for the inmates here. May the Good Lord shower His Blessings upon them and continue to guide them to take care of the needy people. With overwhelming Joy in our hearts, we thank the Almighty God for his countless blessings showered on our Home all through these years and to our Patroness Our Lady of Sorrows, for interceding on our behalf, and guiding, nourishing and strengthening us daily on our commitment. We also remain grateful to all our Parishioners, well wishers and benefactors who have painstakingly helped us with financial support, encouragement and goodwill and above all for their most valuable and appreciated prayers.
Our Hearts glorify the Lord for all the wonders He has worked for our Home. We also trust that the coming years will be more fruitful in serving God through these Old and Needy inmates.
The Poor Sisters Of Our Lady prays for the members of the congregation, lay associates, collaborators and all people of the world. In addition to community prayer, we have a separate prayer time set aside daily, for intentions.
We invite you to send your prayer requests to us for : serious illness, operation/surgery, family, employment, examinations, repose of the soul of a loved one, private personal intention.