The PSOL, Naigaon community comprised of 2 members. Sr. Sangeeta and Sr. Norma. The Parish run by the Don Bosco fathers. The two Sisters are fully involved in all the activities of the Parish. Sr. Norma is in P.P.C. as one of the team members of the Parish. Sometimes Sister gets invitation to give talks to the Don Bosco students, also to conduct liturgy at mass.
Sr. Sangeeta teaches at Valankanni school in the Secondary Section. Sister also goes to distribute Holy Communion to the Senior Citizens, Sick and home bound.
The Poor Sisters Of Our Lady prays for the members of the congregation, lay associates, collaborators and all people of the world. In addition to community prayer, we have a separate prayer time set aside daily, for intentions.
We invite you to send your prayer requests to us for : serious illness, operation/surgery, family, employment, examinations, repose of the soul of a loved one, private personal intention.