A vocation to religious life is a unique and personal call from God to dedicate one's life to serving Him and His people. It is a journey of faith, discernment, and commitment, guided by the Holy Spirit.
A vocation to religious life is a calling to live a life of consecration, poverty, chastity, and obedience, as a member of a religious community. This calling is characterized by:
A total dedication of one's life to God, setting aside personal interests for the sake of the Kingdom.
Embracing simplicity, detachment, and sharing of resources.
A commitment to celibacy, freeing one to love and serve God and others more fully.
Listening and responding to the will of God, as expressed through the community and its leaders.
A call to ordained ministry, serving as a priest or bishop.
A call to live as a brother, serving in various ministries.
A call to live as a sister, serving in various ministries.
A call to live in a monastery, dedicating oneself to prayer and contemplation.
Regular communication with God, seeking guidance and clarity.
Examining one's motivations, values, and desires.
Exploring different religious communities and their charisms.
Seeking guidance from a spiritual director or mentor.
A clear sense of mission and service.
A desire to serve others and spread the Gospel.
A willingness to live and serve with others.
A commitment to personal growth and spiritual development.
O Virgin Mary, to you we commend our young people, in particular the youth called to closely follow your Son. You know the difficulties, the struggles, the obstacles they must face. Assist them to utter their ‘yes’ to the divine call, as you did at the invitation of the Angel.
Draw them near to your heart so that they can understand with you the beauty and the joy that awaits them when the Omnipotent calls them into his intimacy, to make them witnesses of His Love and make them able to inspire the Church with their consecration.
Obtain that we may see even in our own days the wonders of the mysterious action of the Holy Spirit.
O Mary, Mother of Vocations, hear our prayer.
If anyone interested, contact:
The Vocation Promoter: Sr. Shobha Tribhuvan,
Mob No: 81083 60047,
Phone No: (022)22020696
Poor Sisters of Our Lady
Generalate Stephen Hall
23, Nathalal Parekh Marg
Mumbai 400 001
Tel: (022) 22020696
Mob: 75062 00369
E-mail: psolho1939@rediffmail.com
The Poor Sisters Of Our Lady prays for the members of the congregation, lay associates, collaborators and all people of the world. In addition to community prayer, we have a separate prayer time set aside daily, for intentions.
We invite you to send your prayer requests to us for : serious illness, operation/surgery, family, employment, examinations, repose of the soul of a loved one, private personal intention.