Diocesan Phase of Investigation for the cause of Msgr. George Fernandes comes to a close.

The Diocesan phase of the investigation into the life and virtues of Msgr. George Fernandes solemnly concluded on May 28, 2024. This marked a significant milestone in the process of potentially declaring him a saint. The closing session of this phase was held with utmost reverence, as clergy, nuns, laity and the family members of Msgr. George gathered to honour his memory and work. The Bombay Archdiocese and Congregation of the Poor Sisters of Our Lady are proud of this moment in the history of the Church in Mumbai and the Congregation. Msgr. George Fernandes, Founder of the Poor Sisters of Our Lady (PSOL), and a priest of the Archdiocese of Bombay, was declared a Servant of God on September 14. 2019. He lived a holy life and gave totally to God and to his people. The closing ceremony was held in the Holy Family Convent Chapel, Andheri, presided over by His Eminence, Cardinal Oswald Gracias, Archbishop of Bombay.

God our loving Father, / we thank and bless you / for choosing Your servant George Fernandes / to be Your faithful and zealous priest of the Archdiocese of Bombay / and the Founder of the Congregation of the Poor Sisters of Our Lady. / His ardent love and unflagging zeal for the Eucharist, / devotion to Mother Mary, / especially through the recitation of the Rosary, / his compassion for the poor and sick, / and dedication to youth and children / have borne abundant fruit. / May he continue to be our intercessor / to bring down a rain of holy priests and religious vocations. We humbly implore You Father / to grant us this special request / through the intercession of Your beloved servant George (mention your request). If it be Your will, / deign O Lord to grant Your beloved servant / the honours of the Altar / for Your greater glory and the spread of Your Kingdom. Amen.

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